- Flowers really can brighten your day.
- This is the quietest I’ve ever been in my life.
- I want a pizza. With lots of cheese. And some stuffed mushrooms, also with lots of cheese.
- This time off was my first absence from work since Drew took over the Price is Right. I really miss Bob Barker.
- After watching a LOT of home improvement shows, I’ve decided that I hate wallpaper border. With a passion.
- To make myself feel better during the day, I’ve been watching “A Baby Story” on TLC. When those women start screaming I think, “Whoa, at least I don’t hurt that bad.”
- I’ve decided that I’m going to make a conscious effort to look awesome every day if my throat ever feels better. It’s sort of like a New Throat’s Resolution.
- During the worst part of my pain, I would just lie in bed like a stiff board. Matt said I looked like I was training for the Olympic Luge. Here I come, 2010 Games, I’m even lighter without my tonsils!
- I’ve had two dreams about barbeque sauce.
- Who created Slurpees? If I ever meet them, I will kiss them.
- I’m tired of soup.
- Talking on the phone has never been less appealing.
- When I get into awkward situations from now on, I’m going to take off my glasses and stare at people just like Horatio on CSI: Miami. I like his style.
- I’ve decided that Matt and I really need to get a puppy. Let’s see if Matt’s on board.
- I’m even better at Jeopardy on hydrocodone—at least I think I am. Watch out, Trebeck.
- Supernanny and Clean House are fabulous shows. I just can’t get enough.
- I’ve never been so afraid of brushing my teeth.
- For the first time in my life, I couldn’t finish a Pei Wei kids meal.
- I like the new IKEA and Pampers commercials. On the other hand, I can’t believe Jon D’Angelo is running the same commercial in the same midday programming that he ran when I was in high school. I want to have a meeting with him to discuss creative rotation.

Thank you to all of my friends and family that have checked on me and taken care of me in the past few days. Although this has been a terrible experience, one thing's for sure: I've never felt more loved.
Shannanay!!! I miss your random musings. I'm thinking about you, Sweet Friend!! Call me if I can do anything for you!
PS: I DO think you and Matt should get a puppy. When I texted Matt to ask how you were feeling, he replied asking how Drake was doing. Enough said.
Amen to both the wallpaper border hatred and wanting a puppy! I hope you start feeling lots better soon!
Shannanay...it was FABULOUS to see you in Training Scccchhhheduling today. I bet you are relieved to get out of the house. A puppy? Perhaps you could name him or her Slurpy!!! I sooo totally enjoyed reading this post. Such greatness, but not the tonsil part.
Glad that you're recovered from all of this :) I'll start commenting more if you start posting again!
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