Can it be that my sweet little hubby is turning 30 this month? Are we really married? With an apartment of our own? Making our own plans? Taking trips? Cooking dinner? Doing laundry? Cleaning out our fridge? Discussing adult things like insurance, retirement plans, and compound interest? Wow. So much has changed for the both of us in the last two years, but it has been the most amazing time in my life. Thank you, Lord, for this blessing I call Matt!
To celebrate this momentous occasion, I've decided that Matt will have "Birthmonth" instead of just one "Birthday." Why not have 30 days to celebrate 30 years? Each day we try to do something that Matt likes to do, or eat where Matt likes to eat, but we do something really special each weekend.
For the first weekend of birth month, we had Matt's good friend Dominic fly up from Houston and stay with us. We haven't seen him since the wedding, so it was great to have him stay with us for the Labor Day holiday. He was our first house guest! See? I told you we're getting old and responsible!
On Saturday evening, Dom, Russ, my hubby and I went to see Matt's favorite 80s cover band,
The M80s. They're a hilarious group that pretend like they're from England, but they really just tour three places in North Texas. They have some pretty incredible outfits and dance moves from the days of yore.

Guitar playing behind the head? You just can't find this caliber of entertainment everywhere!

One guess on which awesome 80s song they were playing here!
After the super-fun concert on Saturday night, we got a chance to spend time with a few of my favorite ladies! We are so mature that we decided to go shopping at a grocery store as a quality way to spend time together. Well, it wasn't just
any grocery store... We hung out in Central Market for a few hours!

Matt tried coconut milk for the very first time. As cute as this picture is, he really wasn't a fan.

It was right in the middle of the hatch chile festival, so everything smelled delicious! Matt has decided that we need to get one of these awesome gas-rotisserie-basket-turney things.

Yay for good friends.
To continue the first Matt weekend, we decided to do what Matt loves most: watching airplanes. He is so very spoiled. Here are some pictures we took from the lookout point at DFW.

Annnnnnnnnddddd... Even though we thought our weekend fun was over, we got a last-minute call from Miss Lauren. We jumped at the chance to meet her new little boy, Elijah. Isn't he a looker?

Whew! What an awesome weekend!