Monday, March 15, 2010

The Perfect Weekend

What's the recipe for a perfect weekend? I think we found it. Just mix together:
  • 1 hilarious trip to the grocery store
  • 1 amazing meal: Kalamata Lemon Chicken with Orzo and broiled portobello mushrooms
  • 1 close call with a pan not meant to go in the broiler
  • 10 minutes of trying to get the funky smell out of the apartment
  • 6 additional hours of sleep than the typical evening
  • 3 hours of reading cookbooks and watching SportsCenter in our PJs
  • 2 W-2s along with 1 Greek Salad and 1 large pizza to motivate us to do our taxes
  • 15 miles of driving around Grapevine looking for house-friendly neighborhoods
  • 1 hour at Academy looking at baseball gear
  • 4 episodes of American Idol from our DVR
  • 1 funky Night Hawk frozen dinner--a product of the afore-mentioned hilarious trip to the grocery store. Matt just couldn't remember why they weren't as good as he remembered from childhood.
  • 60 amazing minutes of church (the late service) combined into one challenging, thought-provoking sermon
  • 2 amazing sandwiches at Which Wich
  • 18 file folders to set up our organization system for 2010
  • 1 awesome text message from our awesome friend Russ that he was home
  • 3 out-of-shape former athletes pretending like they could still play baseball in the park by our place
  • 4 dinners cooked for the rest of the week
  • 23,012 compliments from Matt and Russ on my new chicken dish and homemade mac 'n cheese
  • 1 fascinating TV show about the AirFlorida crash in the 1980s with 2 quirky pilots
  • an undisclosed amount of reduced-fat Oreos

Combine and commit to memory as amazing!


CPL said...

That DOES sound like a perfect weekend!!! All you were missing is singing while walking through the frozen food section searching for Nigh Hawk meals. You have to make something a musical!

crackers and cheese said...

Such a great slice of life :) So house-hunting already, huh?